

Bob Oliver October 1942 - Sep 4 0509 2024

Bob's parents moved their family to Somers in 1950 when we were both age 8 years. When we met, we became instantaneous friends and remained friends throughout our years at Somers Central School.

After high school, we lost touch for a number of years until I involved myself in helping organize multi-class reunions.  Bob, though he graduated in 1961, attended the 50th reunion for my own class, 1960.

Bob had served tin the US Navy and when he finished his service in Japan in 1968, he decided not to bother returning home, and made a live for himself in Yokohama.

At that reunion in 2010, we resumes our friendship as though there had never been an interruption.

Though we only connected face-to-face at two reunions, and for a one month period when I visited Japan in 2016, we shared many long video calls over the last fourteen years of Bob’s life.

I miss the phone conversations and Bob’s irreverent attitude, and ebullient nature.  He remained one of the best and most loyal friends of my life, and I miss him terribly.

Bob’s son, Kenji, got married a couple of years ago, and he and his lovely wife, Mizuki, presented the world with a lovely baby girl last year.  I’m so happy, and I am sure Bob was equally happy, that the baby was born in time for Bob to spend some time with her.

The wedding venue, used Kenji and Mizuki’s wedding as an advertisement of their services.  Here is that video:

And here are some photos of Bob in his familiar attitude - one of knee-slapping joy, and pure enjoyment of life.

Friday, 20 September 2024